At AMSOL, our supply chain is considered an extension of our business and service providers are critical stakeholders within our value chain.  In supporting economic transformation and to cultivate a diverse supply chain, the company invests time and resources in the development of small and medium businesses, equipping them with the skills and resources required to succeed.

Representatives from eight small businesses (SMMEs) who are part of AMSOL’s Enterprise Development Programme, recently joined the Strategic Sourcing team in Cape Town for a two-day training on “How to Manage Complaints and Chair Disciplinary Hearings”.

Pictured are: Uvan Govender (PNN), Sabelo Buqa (40NMZ), Nozipho Dube (Ecogift), Chris Mathobie (Blast 24/7), Ngazibini Qongqo (Mvano Marine ) and Cain Mathibela (CK Mafutha). Mandla Mathibela (KM Bunkering) and Oyama Sidlabane (Lizwe Fuels) joined the training virtually.

AMSOL Strategic Sourcing Executive Pumla Makubalo:

“Our SMME’s are our partners, the continuous training offered by AMSOL ensures that these stakeholders are always up to date with current Management tools and are adequately equipped in dealing with misconduct in the workplace.”