In line with AMSOL’s values, the company’s approach to sustainability reflects its commitment to continuous improvement. AMSOL is dedicated to operating sustainably and responsibly, which also means working safely and with care for the environment. The company continually looks for ways to reduce impact on the environment and encourages environmental awareness and motivation amongst employees and others working on behalf of AMSOL in such a way that protection of the environment becomes a priority for everyone.
- At AMSOL’s premises in Cape Town, an innovative rainwater capture system has been introduced in the Warehouse – assisting water-saving efforts in this drought stricken part of South Africa.
- The AMSOL warehouse team no longer uses wooden pallets and has replaced them with pallets made from recycled plastic. This ensures that they are safer to use as they are stronger than wooden pallets and can carry a heavier load. Plastic pallets also last much longer and demonstrate care for the environment by utilizing plastic before it ends up in landfills.
- AMSOL representatives Dave Murray and Terence Padayachee are active participants in South Africa’s interim Incident Management Organisation (IMOrg), chaired by the Department of Transport. The aim of this committee is to ensure preparedness for marine pollution emergencies.
- To support the company’s priorities, AMSOL is a sponsor partner for the Sustainable Seas Trust Marine Waste Strategy & Network initiative which recently hosted ‘The Global Goals for Sustainable Development Conference’ in Johannesburg. The aim of the conference was to challenge existing thinking and bring about partnerships to improve life in a sustainable way for future generations.