AMSOL has partnered with the South African International Maritime Institute (SAIMI) to bring the African Maritime Leadership Conference to Gqeberha, South Africa later this month.

The 2-day event will focus on action-oriented discussions relating to a sustainable ocean economy strategy. The conference intends to bring together policymakers, academia, development partners and the private sector to share experiences and identify entry points for tapping into resources of the ocean economy. This will also serve as an opportunity for industry stakeholders to share knowledge, ideas and skills as well as have discussions and debates on topical maritime issues.

For more information and to register for this event click on the following link

AMSOL has also partnered with the Ethekwini Maritime Cluster in Durban, South Africa on four key training and skills development projects during 2023 that include Maritime Education and Awareness programmes, the ‘Youth Innovation Challenge’ and the ‘Welcome to Water’ Campaign.