

Since January, we have been closely monitoring the global progression of COVID-19. Recent events in South Africa and the region have activated a higher level of risk mitigation and awareness at AMSOL. Our focus now remains on proactively ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees and ensuring the continuity of client operations, and our business.

AMSOL remains open, contactable and operational during this time of ‘business unusual’. We have introduced risk mitigation measures at regional, national, and local operations as needed to maximise personal safety and minimise disruption to business. Whilst some shorebased personnel are working remotely to minimise social contact, they are available via their mobile phones, email and on online platforms, and our vessels remain fully manned and operational.

After consultation with stakeholders, we have ceased non-essential business meetings with clients, service providers and suppliers, and we have suspended group training, any scheduled employee events and involvement in industry forums. We have also suspended non-essential business travel, making use of video conferencing facilities and online platforms where appropriate. To reduce movement of personnel, we will minimise crew changes for the next 4-6 weeks and have cancelled all shore leave for those seafarers signed on to Articles.

In rapidly changing circumstances, our Executive Management Team has convened a daily situation meeting, and our Emergency Response Plan has been updated to consider various scenarios within our owned, managed and operated fleets. Our focus is on ensuring little or no interruption to the continuity of our marine services whilst also planning for ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ personnel impact situations.

We are engaging with our clients, suppliers and contractors to ensure a partnership approach to proactively preventing the spread of the virus.

The dedication and commitment of AMSOLITES remains unchanged despite the circumstances – and it is an opportunity to put our company values to the test!

We wish you, your families and colleagues good health and resilience.