At AMSOL, it is our objective to ensure that clients continue to benefit from innovative marine solutions, experience value for money and a turn-key service that meets expectations. In line with the company’s strategic goals, deepening the commercial and operational skills and competence required to respond to and prioritise changing client requirements in Africa has been a focus of the Board of Directors.

Driving progress in gender diversity
Globally, women are estimated to make up just 2% of the maritime workforce, according to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). However, they make up an even smaller 1.2% of the global seafarer workforce according to the BIMCO/ICS 2021…

High praise for AMSOL seafarers following location of ‘Endurance’ wreck
This morning, the Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust announced that the wreck of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship ‘Endurance, lost in 1915, has been located successfully in the Weddell Sea
A multinational team of experts aboard the South African…