Where are vacancies at AMSOL advertised?
AMSOL vacancies are advertised on the company’s LinkedIn page, via AMSOL’s PNET page.
Can I upload my CV anywhere?
In response to positions advertised, applicants can upload their CVs on the PNET portal or can send them directly to in response to the job advertisement. Don’t forget to quote the name of the advertised position in the subject line of the email.
Due to the volume of CVs submitted, AMSOL unfortunately can not enter into direct correspondence with interested parties. Should you apply for a position and not receive a response after 8 weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful.
Does AMSOL have a Cadetship Programme?
Yes. AMSOL takes in a limited number of Navigation and Engineering Cadets each year when a sea-going position in the programme becomes available. Vacancies will be advertised.
What internships does AMSOL offer?
AMSOL offers Internships in various fields such as Human Resources, Marketing, Nautical, Engineering, SHEQ and Procurement. When a position is available, it will be advertised online as per above.
Does AMSOL have a bursary programme?
On an annual basis, AMSOL offers bursaries to students looking to study Maritime Studies, Marine Engineering and Climatology or Oceanography. The Programme will be advertised on the company’s LinkedIn page and recruitment portals when applications are open in August/September each year.
What seagoing positions do you recruit for?
Masters, Officers, Chief Engineers, Engineers, Engine Ratings, Deck Ratings, Catering staff
Where can I look online for information about different careers at sea?